
After buying our townhouse three and a bit years ago, and subsequently customizing it along the way, I never thought I would be talking about a rental ever again. But here we are, moving to an unknown city in two weeks, where we will find ourselves renters once again.

Our initial plan was to buy a house. I was looking forward to finding that perfect diamond in the rough, and giving it a massive makeover (I won't know anyone there, so might as well use all that spare time we'll have to spruce up a house!).

After careful thought and consideration, it just makes so much more sense to rent first. Considering the first time we will ever step foot in this city and province will be the day we move there, it would be so hard to know which area we want to live in, where my job will be located, and where our future friends will congregate. By renting first, we can get a lay of the land and narrow down what it is exactly we'd like in a home and a community.

But first, I will have to adjust back to the restrictions of tenancy. Thankfully, we found a beautiful  brand new home to rent (which, believe me, is a task in itself - rentals (nice rentals) are EXTREMELY hard to come by in the Peg). Because it's shiny and new, and rather turn key, I won't be doing too much to it (I'd rather save my resources and time for a home we'll be staying in), but I do want to decorate and figure out ways to make it more "ours".

I am already compiling ideas that will bring some life into our rental house without having to bring out a paint brush. I a loving this idea from the Ikea catalogue, but with a different fabric.

I am also loving the Solutions for Renters series on Centsational Girl. So many great ideas I have to consider!

Are any of your renters, or have any good ideas to help inject some temporary personality into our home?

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