I have a very difficult time committing to art. I'm not sure what it is, but I change my mind a lot, and I'm very weary to pull the trigger. Despite my love for all of the gallery walls on Pinterest, I have yet to actually create one myself.
This is where I'm thankful for renderings, because I can put together my gallery wall digitally before committing to anything (thank goodness, because the first ever gallery wall I rendered was horrendous! Glad I didn't go for any of those pieces for my wall!). My next step in getting over my fear of gallery walls is printing my own prints. Quotes, images, digitized art, etc, to see how it will look on the wall. Once I live with it for a while, I will be able to step back and see what I like and what I don't like, and from there, bite the bullet for similar, real art pieces (well, that's the plan anyways).
While working on this faux gold foil wishbone print for a future gallery wall, it occurred to me that maybe you're like me. Maybe you can't commit to art either, and maybe you'd like to test drive some pieces before ordering the real thing, so I thought, perfect for my Freebie Friday series which I haven't posted to in forever!